Pressing Issues from the New Press
A lively mix of news, commentary, podcasts, infographics, discussion, videos, event listings, and other media featured as "new" with New Press archival material re-presented when timely.
New Press Goals met:
A site to enable genuine, productive engagement among authors and their readers.
A hub of this large and diverse community, providing coherence, visibility, and connection at a moment of political peril for so many of its members.
A home on the internet for activists and non-profit workers to connect their campaigns, strategies, and demands with one another
The online home of The New Press’s forthcoming podcast
A dynamic platform for readers, writers, photographers, videographers, livestreamers, and podcasters—a group that will prominently feature authors of New Press books—to engage with one another and with intelligent, accessible, and thought-provoking content unavailable anywhere else on the Internet.”
About the "Magazine":
The New Press "Magazine" content could be officially "published" quarterly(?) but delivered/available and pushed out through a variety of platforms such as Medium, Facebook, Instagram, slacker (and partner websites) etc. on a monthly, weekly or daily basis based on the content etc. Once a "new issue is released, material is still available on other sections of the New Press site.
The "Magazine" which could also be called instead "NewPress.TV"- would be just one "media product" published as part of but not as the entire site and could be released as an "event.
The "Magazine" could have lots of fun features - from different "themes" to a guest editorial director who would curate their own "magazine." Readers could subscribe to the entire magazine, or to specific columns, podcasts, etc. By thinking of it as a magazine, the staff can schedule and a set goals for publication in tandem with book publication schedules. Just in time articles, or weekly posts can also go out - but this gives the overall editorial a presence, instead of looking like a random series of posts - or worse, a New Press promotion. The magazine includes as already outlined:
Audio and print interviews
Livestreams of book events and panels, with social media engagement to allow online viewers to participate in the conversation and Q&As
Interactive features such as data visualizations
Book excerpts
Short blogs and curated links to worthwhile reading elsewhere
Essays and opinion pieces
Podcasts – both our own Hot Off The New Press, posted regularly with a written teaser, and allied podcast promotion
Announcements and calls to action (i.e., call your representative, show up for a protest)
Newsworthy releases of new data and other findings
Photo carousel
Recurring features could include as already outlined :
Hot Off The New Press: The (biweekly?) podcast from The New Press
This Day in People’s History: An irregular series of “This Day in History” essays told from a bottom-up point of view inspired by Howard Zinn
Lies My [BLANK] Told Me: An irregular series about myths and inaccuracies we’re told about current events and their historical context inspired by Jim Loewen and his bestselling book Lies My Teacher Told Me – each post will have the appropriate authority figure filled in the post title (Teacher, Boss, Priest, President, Accountant etc).
Make America [BLANK] Again: A direct riposte to Donald Trump’s racist campaign slogan, this ongoing series will feature a broad diversity of writers who will discuss the ideals they wish America would strive for, and how we would do so.
Autocorrect: an ongoing series by TNP editors on the evolving use of political language. Serves as a counter to the idea that “political correctness” is a negative, by showing that language evolves in response to effective social movement building to become more accurate and inclusive. And of course, we’re not afraid to call a euphemism for what it is.
Weekend Reads: a collection of links to excellent long-form writing from around the Web**
Dispatches from the Academy: An irregular series wherein one of our authors positioned between public discourse and her/his academic specialty gives readers insight into the trends, popular ideas, and new important journal articles in the field
I have other ideas for making this a tool for authors, without it being too promotional. Additional on-line magazines to look at beyond those in the initial memo:
Macmillian Publishing's The History Reader
** The long form articles and other interesting editorial posts (and the conversations they inspire - with people being invited to comment) could serve as a way to identify future New Press books and contributors - and by making this an "open secret" people would see their contribution to the comments section as a way to "audition" for a future New Press book deal or anthology spot.
Let's Talk: Conversations
"Communities of Practice" are engaged groups that are committed to learning and listening to one another and teaching one another. Creating such communities on-line (something I've been doing with great results) is a real time way to turn readers into members. Inviting non-academic, grass roots non-profits and activists in conversations across the country and editing their conversations would be great editorial, too.
On-line Book Clubs using Facebook Live, Zoom or Circl.es like those led by Well Read Black Girls
Check out eflux Journal as an example of fascinating on-line written conversations/comments. Inviting people to comment and share trests, of course, on the quality of the content. But another strategy could be discussions around the pieces augmented with "Appointment" conversations when the author will be available for written or video discussions. On-line discussion will also be encouraged by others in the field, so that the conversations are interesting too. There's lots more about conversations throughout the "sites"
Simply Put
Working with writers, educators,, artists, videographers and musicians, this series would clearly explain issues of social justice and equity through stories, video and song - providing clear explanations in simple english (and also in Spanish) for a wide audience. These illustrated briefs address pressing policies, unpack propaganda, and give a social, cultural or historical perspective on current issues like taxes, social security, healthcare, immigration, mental health, reproductive rights, prison reform or fake news. Inviting submissions from individuals, organizations, media students at diverse universities and high schools this section of the site would engage a wide audience in creating and learning - reaching and building a new audience of readers and educated citizens.