Books, websites, information... all of them are written by college graduates for college graduates.

“If I had more time I would have written a shorter letter.” (Pascal) Information written for lower-income or lower-literacy audiences are simplified...and so are boring, and not really informative at all. To make something simple, yet interesting is a very different way to provide much needed information to an audience eager for information.

The authors of What To Expect When You're Expecting often received requests for book donations from programs that helped low--income women - and they donated many. But we knew that wasn't the right book for this audience- but there were no interesting books about pregnancy written specifically for this audience. Thus the birth of The What To Expect Foundation in order to create...

Baby Basics addresses the real concerns of lower income expecting women (and men) in a simple, funny and beautiful way, without ever condescending, or lecturing.

Simply put, handing a book to a pregnant woman was missing all the great ways written information, joyful reading and learning can change lives. Thus the birth of the Baby Basics Program... where health care providers learn to teach women why reading and learning about pregnancy and their body is fun, instead of just lecturing them on "what to do."

As Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton formed the Office of Global Women's Issues. That team already knew that women's literacy changes lives of women, children and families. They wanted to take Baby Basics global as part of their Women's Health Innovation Program.

Big Belly Business is a comprehensive pregnancy guide for this West African country and part of a group pregnancy support and learning program that has reached 50,000 women and is growing.

Babu Barta (which means Baby News) is also making meaningful changes in the story of pregnancy across Bangladesh.

And now, a publishing company that creates books, programs and partnerships on a variety of topics for lower-income folks will help this neglected audience get the real information - entertaining, engaging and simply put.

A projected census undercount of children 0-5 from marginalized communities inspired WE COUNT! the first in the Simply Put: Civics series. That campaign, funded by the Carnegie Corporation and the Census Funders Collaborative, included an adorable read-aloud book so children could learn "how to count," as family members learned why "we all count" in the 2020 Census. Illustrated by diverse artists, and translated into 15 languages, the book and the animation narrated by Disney's Moana)

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